
Welcome to the Bettineski Blog. Our goal is to post some pictures or updates weekly, but you know how it is with two kids.. we'll see. :)

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Disneyland March 08


Shell said...

Hooray! Finally - pics of the fam online! So glad to be able to see these. Can't wait to show Aleaha her cousins' pictures! (not that I wanted her to know about DizzyLand just yet.... ;) )

Jkopp said...

Hey!!! Too cute family pics! Thanks for sending the site Jodi. I signed up for e-mail notification when you post new pics. This is a great way to share with the family.

Bon/Mom said...

Hi Jo - -great shots of Mt Hood and the Tball practice. I'm planning to be there tonight.

Bon/Mom said...

Hi Jo - - Great shots of Mt Hood and the Tball practice. I'm planning to be there tonight.

Unknown said...

what FUN...I am so glad you created this site for us!! Wonderful pix...the kids are getting so grown up!