
Welcome to the Bettineski Blog. Our goal is to post some pictures or updates weekly, but you know how it is with two kids.. we'll see. :)

Friday, November 27, 2009

Disneyland for Thanksgiving

Yep- we went again :) It's the Happiest Place on Earth-- who wouldn't want to go there? Here's a few pics from our trip. Ella loves to move this "water ball"
Mickey's House

Tyler took this picture- he's pretty good :)
Tyler was finally big enough to do the tire swing

Minnie Mouse
Goofy and his son Max


Jasmine and Aladdin

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Happy Birthday Ella- Preschool Celebration

Here's Ella at her Preschool celebrating her Birthday. They do a special birthday celebration- it's pretty cute.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Happy Birthday Tyler and Ella!!

Grandpa Paul came from Longview for the kids's birthdays- with presents of course. Here's a few shots of the excitement...

Family Photos

Here are a few pictures we had taken for a fundraiser for Tyler's school. Our first family photos...not bad I think :)