
Welcome to the Bettineski Blog. Our goal is to post some pictures or updates weekly, but you know how it is with two kids.. we'll see. :)

Monday, August 24, 2009

Road Trip

Ella Bella and I packed up and drove down to see Shelley, Aleaha, and Baby Miri this past weekend. What a great time- seeing family, feeding the animals, holding a baby, riding horses- we did it all. Here's a few shots from the excursion...pretty cute , I must say.

Aleaha not wanting to pose for a picture...

Giving the horsies treats...

Aleaha doing her chores...

And Ella trying to help...

Gathering the eggs...

Movie night- we had a toenail painting party and a few
yummy treats (that Aleaha had never experienced) while we watched a movie.

Going for a ride on Jake- they had soooo much fun.

Aleaha doing her "Black Stallion" impression-

did not impress Mommy though.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Fire in the vacuum

So...we headed to the cabin to sand down some bubbles in the polyurethane. Here are a few shots of the after effects- when they say something is extremely flammable- you better believe it. A full on flaming fire started in our vacuum. The floors were mopped again, and we are hopeful the bubble marks will disappear with a few more coats of poly.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Sanding the new floors

Here's a couple shots of the sanding process- the floors are looking great!!