
Welcome to the Bettineski Blog. Our goal is to post some pictures or updates weekly, but you know how it is with two kids.. we'll see. :)

Monday, July 27, 2009

New Floors

We helped Grandpa Scott and Grandma Bon install new tamarack floors at the cabin this weekend. The floor turned out beautiful- it smells so good in there- like a lumber yard. Here's a few shots of all the help- you can imagine how much "help" Tyler was... Grandma Bon was in charge of keeping the kids busy so we could finish- I think the kids wore her out :)

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Coronado, California

We spent 4 days in Coronado on our vacation- what a beautiful city. Our hotel was amazing- right on the beach. We enjoyed it all- the beach, the ferry into San Diego, a bike ride, lunch in the park, the bird man with his beautiful rescued birds... Here's a slideshow of our trip- there are some great pictures of Chris helping the kids boogie board in the ocean- they loved it!!


Yes, we went again. Who can refuse a trip to the Happiest Place on Earth? Ella is finally tall enough to do more rides, so we experienced Space Mountain, Thunder Mountain, Star Tours, and a few others as a family instead of flipping a coin to see who goes with Tyler. She loved every new ride- you can see her rising her arms in a few of the pictures- she thinks that's what you do on the "big girl rides". We had a wonderful time- crowds were good and the weather wasn't too hot- I think it was hotter in Pendleton than Anaheim.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Eating Pizza!!

I know it may seem silly, because most kids eat pizza, but here's a shot of Tyler eating pizza for the first time in years. We did have to bribe him, but hopefully only this time. It's very exciting when kids try new foods- makes traveling much easier- and since we're leaving tomorrow for vacation in California, we are very excited that Tyler is trying something new :)