
Welcome to the Bettineski Blog. Our goal is to post some pictures or updates weekly, but you know how it is with two kids.. we'll see. :)

Monday, June 30, 2008

The Sleepover

Here's a few shots from Tyler's first sleepover with Madelyn Loughary... they had fun.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Wiffleball June 12th

Finally- some nice weather for the game. Here's a few shots of Tyler and Madelyn Loughary, Ella and Emma Loughary, and the kids with their mighty coaches (the dads).

Saturday, June 7, 2008

The Hershey Track Meet

Well, the annual Hershey Track was held this morning at the High School. We've taken Tyler several times, and thought we would try again.... we should have stayed home. The kids were all excited about running, jumping, and throwing, until we walked up to the track and saw all the people. Tyler literally started backing up. Ella attempted to run- for about 3 steps, and then clung to my leg and I had to finish the other 22 meters with her attached to me... So much for the track coaches' kids being excited about a track meet.. oh well!!

Campus Kids Pics

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

The First Game

Well, Tyler's first game was tonight... but he must have scared the other team- they didn't show up. So, he had another practice instead. Here's a few shots-

Emma Loughary, Madelyn Loughary, Tyler, and Ella
The Little Cheerleaders
Chris giving good directions.. Tyler playing 3rd Base
Madelyn on 3rd and Tyler somewhat paying attention on defense

Tyler takin' a swing

And another swing...

Hopefully we'll have a real game on Thursday...

A few of my favorite pics

Monday, June 2, 2008

Tyler's Preschool Circus

Here's a few shots from Tyler's Preschool Circus in May- this was their last performance (or conformance, if you're a Heriza :) )
Tyler is the lion on the right

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Chris climbs Mt. Hood again

Here's a few pics of Chris on Mt. Hood on June 1st. He's become quite the climber- he loves it. Someday maybe it will be a family outing. :)

What a beautiful view...

Disneyland March 08